March 30, 2020
Gaza Breaks Coronavirus Quarantine To Fire Rockets At Israel
A rocket was fired at Israel from Gaza on Friday evening despite coronavirus restrictions, sending Israelis from the isolation in their homes into crowded bomb shelters. story
NYC Mayor To Synagogues: Close For Coronavirus Or Be Shut Down Permanently
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio warned the Jewish community that synagogues that continue to defy coronavirus regulations and hold services will be permanently shut down. story
March 29, 2020
Pandemic Drones That Can Detect Fevers And Coughing Will Soon Take To The Sky
Drones are being increasingly called into action during the COVID-19 crisis, primarily as surveillance tools and mobile speakers to remind people about the importance of lockdown. But there are other use-cases for drones, too. story
Could COVID Bring Revival To An Increasingly Godless America?
“Take a stand, hit your knees” is something a friend of mine said to me last year while we watched on television as Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris burned. story
"There's No Gold" - COMEX Report Exposes Conditions Behind Physical Crunch
While the demand for gold has been soaring as a safe haven asset amid the multiple global crises we are currently facing, forced paper gold liquidation (as leveraged funds scramble to cover margin calls) and unprecedented logistical disruptions created a frantic hunt for actual bars of gold. story
Moscow To Shut Down Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
After Friday, residents of the capital city can look forward to a week of enforced vacation spent inside their homes, as even walks in the park were prohibited, reports Efe news. story
March 28, 2020
Ex British Prime Minister Calls on World Leaders to Form ‘One World Government’
The United Kingdom’s former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called on world leaders to form a “temporary” global government to resolve both the medical and economic crises caused by the coronavirus pandemic reports the Guardian. story
Bosses Panic-Buy Spy Software To Keep Tabs On Remote Workers
The email came from the boss. We’re watching you, it told Axos Financial Inc. employees working from home. We’re capturing your keystrokes. We’re logging the websites you visit. Every 10 minutes or so, we’re taking a screen shot. So get to work — or face the consequences. story
Not Since The Black Plague Have Jerusalem's Holy Alleys Fallen So Still
Adeeb Joudeh, standing in front of the now-locked Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem's Old City, had a pretty specific answer when asked when the church last closed to the public like this… story
Coronavirus Being Used As Justification To Implement A Total Surveillance Society
The changes occurring in our world due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are many, as you’ve surely noticed. Restaurants are closed, people are standing very far apart from one another, and the globalists can’t stop talking about herding the “sheep” into even tighter and more heavily surveilled life prisons. story
"If Getting Us Into $6 Trillion More Debt Doesn’t Matter, Then Why Not $350 Trillion?"
Shortly after 4pm, president Trump signed into law the $2 trillion fiscal stimulus also known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which gives the Fed the ammunition to issue up to $4.5 trillion in additional debt, a "Multitrillion Dollar Helicopter Credit Drop" as Bloomberg called it. story
March 27, 2020
A Coronavirus Great Awakening?
Could a plague of biblical proportions be America’s best hope for religious revival? As the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II approaches, there is reason to think so. story
Israel’s Secret Police Get Green light to Track Civilians with Counter-Terrorism Technology
Israel’s caretaker government took the unprecedented step last Monday of passing emergency regulations, bypassing existing law, authorizing the Shin Bet and Israel Police to use surveillance technology usually reserved for counterterrorism operations to help stop the outbreak. story
Despite Coronavirus, Mideast Wars Continue Unabated
After a decade of carnage, Syrians face a new scourge. story
South Africa Begins 'Unprecedented' Military-Patrolled Lockdown
South Africa came under a nationwide military-patrolled lockdown on Friday, joining other African countries imposing strict curfews and shutdowns in an attempt to halt the spread of the coronavirus across the continent. story
Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet Tops $5 Trillion for First Time
The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet topped $5 trillion for the first time amid the U.S. central bank’s aggressive efforts to cushion debt markets against the coronavirus outbreak through large-scale bond-buying programs. story
The Fed's Cure Risks Being Worse Than the Disease
The economic debate of the day centers on whether the cure of an economic shutdown is worse than the disease of the virus. Similarly, we need to ask if the cure of the Federal Reserve getting so deeply into corporate bonds, asset-backed securities, commercial paper, and exchange-traded funds is worse than the disease seizing financial markets. It may be. story
March 26, 2020
Governments Could Track COVID-19 Lockdowns Through Social Media Posts
Your posts on social media have been harvested for advertising. They've been taken to build up a massive facial recognition database. Now that same data could be used by companies and governments to help maintain quarantines during the coronavirus outbreak. story
Israeli Engineer Invents Algorithm to Predict Worldwide Spread of Coronavirus
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shocked Israelis recently when he was quoted as saying that by the end of April, a “million Israelis could be infected with Covid-19 and 10,000 will die.” His office did not deny the statement. story
Is Turkey Planning A New Invasion Of Eastern Syria?
Turkey is now turning to this oil policy during the coronavirus crisis as a possible new way to distract local media and create a new nationalist cause. story
Hospital Capacity Crosses Tipping Point in U.S. Coronavirus Hot Spots
Epicenters resort to patient transfers and a makeshift morgue to cope as coronavirus infections mount. story
Doctors Are Writing Their Wills
Michelle Au works at Emory St. Joseph’s Hospital in Atlanta, Ga. These days she feels like she works at Chernobyl. As an anesthesiologist, Dr. Au is responsible for one of the most dangerous parts of tending to patients with the coronavirus: intubating those who can’t breathe. story
Short-Term Yields Go Negative in Scramble for Cash
One-month and three-month Treasury bills sported negative yields for the first time in more than four years story
March 25, 2020
CA City To Use Chinese Night-Vision Drones Banned By US Army To Enforce Coronavirus Lockdown
Police in Chula Vista, Calif. plan to use Chinese-made aerial drones to surveil and enforce the state’s coronavirus “stay at home” orders, and to disperse crowds violating the orders. story
Coronavirus Kills Hezbollah Frontman
Gen. Hossain Assadollahi of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards has died of coronavirus reports Debka. Acording to the report, Assadollahi was in charge supplying missiles to Hezbollah in Syria. He was also in charge of upgrading their arsenal to high precision. story
Mortgage Firms Brace for Wave of Missed Payments as Coronavirus Slams Homeowners
Mortgage companies are bracing for a severe cash crunch when Americans who lose jobs and income because of the coronavirus pandemic stop making payments on their home loans. story
India's Poorest 'Fear Hunger May Kill Us Before Coronavirus'
India has been put in lockdown to halt the spread of the coronavirus outbreak. People have been told to stay indoors, but for many daily-wage earners this is not an option. story
"The Gold Market Is Breaking Down": Gold Spreads Explode As LBMA Warns Of Liquidity Problems
Last night, when observing the unprecedented "gold run" on precious metals dealers which has left all gold vendors with little to no physical gold, we said that "the price of physical gold has decoupled from paper gold" as a result of paper gold liquidations as leveraged funds scramble to cover margin calls using safe assets... story
Distressed Debt Balloons to Almost $1 Trillion, Nears 2008 Peak
The amount of distressed debt in the U.S. has quadrupled in less than a week to nearly $1 trillion, reaching levels not seen since 2008 as the collapse of oil prices and fallout from the coronavirus shutters entire industries across the globe. story
March 24, 2020
Archbishop Jan Lenga: Pope Francis is ‘Usurper and Heretic,’ ‘Leading the World Astray’
Catholic Archbishop Jan Lenga, the former head of the Diocese of Karaganda, Khazakhstan and now retired in Poland, was ordered to stop delivering sermons and speaking with the media because of his frequent statements that Pope Francis is a “heretic” spreading “untruths and sins” and “leading the world astray.” story
US Surgeon General Warns Coronavirus Is ‘Going To Get Bad’ This Week
Adams delivered his warning during an interview Monday on NBC’s “Today” show. He said the spread of coronavirus is likely to get worse as a result of people not adhering to guidelines to stay home and practice social distancing. story
Clyburn Brazenly Admits Dems Using COVID To Change America To Fit Their Vision
On Sunday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tossed a purely partisan grenade into the Senate and utterly destroyed a bipartisan legislative package intended to provide desperately needed economic relief to the country amid the coronavirus pandemic. story
Pope Francis Tells Coronavirus Quarantined Catholics They Don’t Really Need A Priest To Confess Their Sins To God
People who cannot get to confession because of the coronavirus lockdown or another serious reason can go to God directly, be specific about their sins, request pardon and experience God’s loving forgiveness, Pope Francis said. story
March 23, 2020
Israel’s Health Minister: I’m Sure the Messiah will Arrive by Passover
When asked about the chances of Israel continuing to be under complete shut-down until the Passover holiday, Litzman offered a rather unconventional response saying: “God forbid! story
Netanyahu: We All Must Pray to God that the Coronavirus Plague Ends
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his interviewer, Dana Weiss that “we must pray to the Creator of the World that this plagues ends.” story
Real Estate Billionaire Barrack Says Commercial Mortgages on Brink of Collapse
Real estate billionaire Tom Barrack said the U.S. commercial-mortgage market is on the brink of collapse and predicted a “domino effect” of catastrophic economic consequences if banks and government don’t take… story
BofA Calls For “War-Time Measures”, Urges Near-Total Fed Takeover Of Capital Markets
… but warns that “communication would need to be clear to ensure dollar reserve status is not jeopardized.” story
March 22, 2020
The Worst of the Global Selloff Isn’t Here Yet, Banks and Investors Warn
The most brutal stretch for global markets since the financial crisis likely isn’t over yet, say investors and analysts who believe it is too early to assess the possible scale of economic damage from the coronavirus. In just a few weeks, U.S. stocks have lost roughly a third of their value. story
A Chunk Of Yellowstone The Size Of Chicago Has Been Pulsing. Why?
Huge chunk of Yellowstone National Park, the size of Chicago, is 'breathing' in and out. story
China Demolishes Church, Removes Crosses As Christians Worship At Home
The Chinese communist government continued its campaign against Christianity during the country’s coronavirus outbreak by destroying crosses and demolishing a church while people were on lockdown. story
March 21, 2020
A Letter From Italy's Coronavirus Epicenter: 'Coffins Pile Up in Churches, People in Their 80s Die Alone'
Sirens blaring, bells tolling for the dead, neighbors singing on balconies: This is our sad soundtrack. A letter from Bergamo, Italy. story
Five Statewide Stay-At-Home Orders, 31% Of U.S. Economy
The five U.S. states where governors have closed or have said they will soon be closing non-essential businesses account for about 31% of the world’s biggest economy… story
U.S. Economy Deteriorating Faster Than Anticipated As 80 Million Americans Forced To Stay At Home
The U.S. economy is deteriorating more quickly than was expected just days ago, as extraordinary measures designed to curb the coronavirus keep 84 million Americans penned in their homes and cause the near-total shutdown of most businesses. story
Locust Crisis Poses A Danger To Millions, Forecasters Warn
Experts fear swarms like those seen in Africa will become more common as tropical storms create favourable breeding conditions story
March 20, 2020
It Begins: CDC Asks Tech Giants Twitter, Google, Facebook for Location of US Citizens — Will Track Whether Americans Are Practicing Proper “Social Distancing”
The CDC is asking tech giants for access to Americans’ cellphone locations. That way the government can track the location of every American and see whether Americans are properly practicing “social distancing.” story
As Coronavirus Distracts the World: Israeli Law-Makers Move to Annex Judea-Samaria
Politicians from Netanyahu’s Likud party have filed a private member’s bill that would immediately apply sovereignty to all Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria reports Makor Rishon. story
As Coronavirus Causes Muslims to Abandon Temple Mount, Jews Reign Supreme
The coronavirus has brought about a remarkable situation on the Temple Mount in which the Muslim-Arabs are shut out of the two main structures in which they pray while Jewish visitors are now the prominent force of prayer at Judaism’s holiest site. story
March 19, 2020
Coronavirus is About to Bring About The Pre-Messiah Double Sabbath
In a powerful case of synchronicity, this sabbath, Jews around the world will be reading the parsha (weekly section of the Torah) in Exodus chapters 35-40 which opens with Moses commanding the Jews to keep the sabbath. story
‘Plague’ of Locusts to Hit Egypt Area, But Not Israel on Passover
Just as the Biblical plagues skipped over the Children of Israel in Egypt, authorities reported that a huge swarm of locusts headed towards the Middle East will skip over Israel. story
Coronavirus: Europe Looking To Extend Virus Lockdowns
European nations are examining extending the lockdowns put in place to try to stem the coronavirus outbreak. story
March 18, 2020
Israel Approves Mass Surveillance Of Its Citizens Through Cellphone Tracking To Slow Spread Of COVID-19 Coronavirus
PM says order to snoop on citizens with advanced technology will be in effect for 30 days; says he hopes lockdown won’t be necessary, though localized closures possible. story
Plague of locusts set to descend upon Middle East in time for Passover
A plague of locusts the likes of which have been unseen for over 30 years is about to hit Africa and the Middle East. story
Coronavirus Ravages Middle East as Iran Warns of 'Millions' of Deaths
From Jerusalem’s Western Wall to Saudi Arabia’s Mecca, the coronavirus is changing the Middle East and people in the region are adjusting to a new normal. story
March 17, 2020
Iranian Official Calls to Deliberately Spread Coronavirus Worldwide to Bring Messiah
Ali Reza Banahyan (also spelled Alireza Panahian), a Hojatoleslam (Shia cleric) and head of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s ‘think tank for universities’, was recently quoted in Shafaq News as saying that the coronavirus pandemic is a prelude to the emergence of the expected Mahdi (Muslim Messiah). story
Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns 'Deep State' Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress Dissent
Ayyadurai did say is that some in the government are using the pandemic to frighten people into obedience. Think about what has transpired in less than a week’s time. We have handed control of nearly everything in our lives to the government. story
March 9, 2020
Putin Just Sparked An Oil Price War With Saudi Arabia — And US Energy Companies May Be The Victim
In response, Saudi Arabia not only cut its forward crude price to Chinese customers by as much as $6 or $7 per barrel, but is also reportedly looking to raise its daily crude output by as many as 2 million barrels. story
Oil Nosedives As Saudi Arabia And Russia Set Off ‘Scorched Earth’ Price War
An oil price war will have massive geopolitical consequences, pummeling markets already shaken by the new coronavirus, COVID-19. story
Dual Coronavirus, Oil Shocks Crash World Markets, 10Y Yield Craters, Futures Pinned Limit Down
Global stocks plunged with the Emini locked limit down for the longest period on record, crude oil tumbled as much as 33% as WTI plunged as low as $27.34, and the yield on the 10Y Treasury crashed to an all time low of 0.31% after Saudi Arabia launched a price war with Russia, sending investors already panicked by the coronavirus fleeing for safe assets. story
10-year Treasury Yield Hits New All-Time Low Of 0.318% Amid Historic Flight To Bonds
The yield on the benchmark U.S. 10-year Treasury briefly touched an all-time low of 0.318% in overnight trading, adding another 30 basis points to an unprecedented fall in the key interest rate. story
Fed Rates at 0% Now Seen Within Months Amid Global Bond Frenzy
The entire U.S. yield curve fell below 1% for the first time in history as rising expectations that the Federal Reserve will cut policy rates to zero in the coming months drove investors to reach for longer-dated securities. story
Fed Faces Fresh Pressure to Act, Boosts Repo Operations
The Federal Reserve lifted the amount of temporary cash it’s willing to provide markets as pressure intensifies for the U.S. central bank to tackle the risk of a worldwide credit crunch. story
Can Europe’s Fragile Economy Withstand Another Shock?
The European economy is grinding to a halt. Fourth quarter GDP growth slowed to the lowest for almost seven years, and supply-side disruption from the coronavirus and new regulations in the auto sector will compound the weakness. story
Italy's Coronavirus Death Toll Rose By Nearly 60% In A Day As The Country Put 16 Million People On Lockdown
The newly identified cases mark the country's status as having the largest number of confirmed infections outside China, where the virus originated late last year. The second-largest center for infections, South Korea, had identified 7,313 cases as of Sunday. story
Steep Decline In Practicing Christians Will Have Major Repercussions For Church Leaders
New research from the Barna Group found that the share of practicing Christians in the United States has nearly dropped in half over the last two decades — a shift the group warns will have “major repercussions” for church leaders. story
March 8, 2020
UN Official Calls on World Religions to Defer Authority to United Nations
A top UN official has called on world religions to defer their authority on matters concerning law and policy to the United Nations, according to reports. story
Saudi Arabia Starts All-Out Oil War: MbS Destroys OPEC By Flooding Market, Slashing Oil Prices
On Saturday, Saudi Arabia launched its second scorched earth, or rather scorched oil campaign in 6 years. And this time there will be blood. story
All Hospital Beds In The US Will Be Filled With Patients 'By About May 8th' Due To Coronavirus
A sobering analysis of how coronavirus is likely to impact the US healthcare system suggests that hospitals will be quickly overwhelmed with patients, and that all available beds will be filled by around May 8th if the virus tracks with Italy's figures and 10% of patients require an ICU. story
March 7, 2020
Europe Leaves Christianity for 'Paganism'
Martyr's Free Church in Edinburgh is part of the rich history of Christianity in Scotland. Today it's "Frankenstein," a bar that describes itself as a family-friendly venue but also a place for stag parties, bar top dancers and monsters. story
March 6, 2020
Stockman: Next Comes The "Turbulent Twenties"
Both a renewed financial and economic crisis and an abrupt change of course lie dead ahead. The 30-year era of False Prosperity is over. story
Eight earthquakes rattle Oklahoma in 24 hours
The most powerful was a 3.4-magnitude earthquake, which had a 6-mile depthand hit about 11 miles northwest of Lindsay, records show. The area is roughly 50 miles south of Oklahoma City. story
Trump Agrees to Provide Israel the Technology it Needs to Take Out Iran
If Israel indeed decides to take out Iran, the Trump administration has just made it much easier. story
New Tracking Software Called ‘Locate X’ Allows Us Law Enforcement To Track And Locate Anyone At Any Time With No Need For A Warrant
Federal agencies have big contracts with Virginia-based Babel Street. Depending on where you've traveled, your movements may be in the company's data. story
March 5, 2020
‘This is not a drill’: WHO urges the world to fight virus
The global march of the new virus triggered a vigorous appeal from the World Health Organization for governments to pull out “all the stops” to slow the epidemic. story
Southwest Airlines CEO warns drop-off in domestic travel over coronavirus has '9/11-like feel'
Mounting concern over the new coronavirus outbreak has caused school closures and movie premiere pushbacks, and now the crisis' effect on the aviation industry is drawing comparisons to 9/11. story
Airlines Could Lose Up To $113 Billion In Passenger Revenue Due To Coronavirus
The last time the industry faced a revenue shock of this magnitude was in 2009 during the global financial crisis, IATA Chief Economist Brian Pearce said at a media briefing in Singapore. story
DoubleLine's Gundlach Warns Of "Seizure In The Corporate Bond Market"
The bond market is rallying because The Fed has reacted the seizure in the corporate bond market - which is not getting enough attention." story
US Stocks Crash As Credit Markets & Yields Collapse
So much for the 'Biden Bounce'. Watching the markets today - as The Dow plunged 1000 points, Treasury yields collapsed to record lows, credit markets imploded, and demands for more Fed intervention exploded - has one veteran trader remarking, "this is becoming a super-puke." story
Jordanian PM Warns Kingdom's Ties With Israel 'At Risk'
Citing Israeli pledges to extend sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, as well as Israeli "violations" on the Temple Mount, relations between the two countries seem at their lowest point since 1994. story
Survey: Alarming Number of Europeans Believe Jews Control the World
According to a recent survey taken by the Action and Protection League, roughly 40 percent of people surveyed in 16 European countries said a secret network of Jews is influencing the world’s political and economic affairs. story
March 4, 2020
Fed’s $100 Billion Repo Intervention Falls Short Of Bank Demand
The Fed added the money via what’s called an overnight repurchase agreement operation, or repo. Eligible banks, called primary dealers, sought $111.48 billion from the central bank, exceeding the $100 billion cap the Fed places on overnight repos. story
What Is An SDR And Will It Be The Next World Reserve Currency?
After several years of monetary madness—artificially lowering interest rates to the extent all asset prices are distorted—the world is slowly waking up to the fact that printing money by central banks is a one-way street. story
WHO Urges People To Go 'Cashless' Because 'Dirty Banknotes Can Spread The Virus'
Following reports that Beijing had "quarantined" dirty cash, the WHO warned on Monday that the virus could survive on banknotes, potentially spreading Covid-19 within communities, and across the world. story
Did Covid-19 Just Pop All the Global Financial Bubbles?
Once confidence and certainty are lost, the willingness to expand debt and leverage collapses. story
This Wasn't Supposed To Happen: One Day After Fed Rate Cut, Repos Signal Record Liquidity Shortage
So with its emergency action now in the rearview mirror, did the Fed manage to stem the funding panic that has gripped repo markets following last week's market bloodbath? The answer, if based on the latest overnight repo results, is a resounding no. story
March 3, 2020
Turkey Launches All-Out Assault on Assad Warplanes, Airfield in Syria
Turkish forces in Syria shot down two Syrian warplanes and attacked an airport used by the Syrian regime on Sunday, while a Turkish drone strike struck a Syrian military convoy and purportedly killed 19 soldiers. story
Turkey Shoots Down Third Plane In Operation Spring Shield
Rebel commander says key Saraqeb city now under the full control of Syrian government forces after Russian air strikes. story
Coronavirus deaths cross 3,000 as outbreak enters “uncharted territory”
As global confirmed Covid-19 cases cross 90,000, with more than 3,000 fatalities, the World Health Organization’s Director-General says the world is now in “unchartered territory” but the virus can still potentially be contained. story
March 2, 2020
Turkey Announces its Intention to Go to War with Russia
Mesut Hakki Casin, a prominent member of Turkey’s Security and Foreign Policy Board, who advises Erdogan, said: “We have fought Russia 16 times in the past, and we will fight it again.“ story
Russia to Turkey: We cannot guarantee safety of your planes over Syria
The ministry issued the warning after Turkey shot down two Syrian warplanes over Idlib on Sunday and struck a military airport well beyond its frontlines in a sharp increase of its military operations following the death of dozens of Turkish soldiers last week. story
Mired In Stalemate, Israel Holds Another Election On Netanyahu's Future
The election follows inconclusive votes in April and September that dimmed an aura of political invincibility enjoyed by Israel's longest-serving prime minister, who has denied any wrongdoing in the three graft cases against him. story
Does The Coronavirus Make The Case For World Government?
These are the sorts of things that authoritarian politicians want all the time. Crises simply provide an opportunity to ratchet up their power and also to accustom the public to being ordered around and taking cues from centralized government sources. story
'Losing A Billion Dollars A Month' - No Rebound In Sight Amid Global Shipping Slump
America's seaports are now starting to feel the chilling effects of supply chain disruptions from China, warned Noel Hacegaba, the Deputy Executive Director of Administration and Operations for the Port of Long Beach, California. story
Imam who Spoke at Sanders Rally Called for Armed Struggle Against Israel
A closer look shows that Bernie Sanders’ alliance with Muslim supporters goes deep and may hide a lot more than just Jew-hatred. story
At AIPAC Policy Conference, High Profile Speakers Reject Bernie Sanders: ‘We Don’t Want Him in Israel’
Speakers at the annual gathering of pro-Israel lobby AIPAC on Sunday offered veiled and open condemnation of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, an outspoken and frequent critic of the Jewish state. story
A Wuhan Church Finds God’s Grace Amid Coronavirus Scare
The Root and Foot Christian Church (RFCC) is situated at the very center of the Coronavirus epidemic – Wuhan, China. When the outbreak happened, the church’s senior pastor decided to stay to care for his sheep, rescue the lives of unbelievers, and calm the fearful souls of Christians. story
March 1, 2020
Thousands Rally in Moscow Against Putin’s Plans to Revamp Political Power in Russia
Thousands of people attended a rally in the Russian capital to commemorate a slain opposition leader in a rebuke to what they see as Vladimir Putin’s plans to stay in power once his final term as president expires. story
Russian opposition wants big protest over Putin's plan to 'rule for ever'
Russia’s anti-Kremlin opposition said on Monday it planned to stage a big protest next month against President Vladimir Putin’s proposed constitutional changes, which it cast as a ploy for Putin to rule for life. story
Turkey Shoots Down Two Syrian Fighter Jets Over Idlib
Turkey's military shot down two Syrian government fighter jets over northwest Idlib, hours after forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad brought down a Turkish drone over the region. story
Turkey Launches Massive Kill Strike On 48 Russian Supported Pro-Syria Troops
Turkish airstrike kills nine Hezbollah members, Erdogan to Putin: Step aside story
February 29 2020
Russia Sends Two Warships Armed With Cruise Missiles To Prevent Turkey From Launching Full-Scale Invasion Of Syria
Turkey has sent thousands of troops and heavy military hardware into Syria and Erdogan has warned that Turkey will launch a full-scale offensive to repel Syrian forces unless they pull back from Turkish observation posts in the region. Though trying to coordinate their efforts on Syria, Russia backs Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while Turkey backs rebel forces opposing Assad. story
Potential Pandemic Looms, Says WHO, As Covid-19 Spreads To 12 New Countries In 24 Hours Iran
Nigeria reported the first case of coronavirus in sub-Saharan Africa on Friday, Feb. 28, one of 46 countries outside China reporting 3,700 cases and 57 deaths so far. Global markets had their worst day since the 2008, raising recession fears. story
Can The Fed Inoculate US Economy Against Virus Impact?
The US Federal Reserve stands ready to take action to counter the risks posed by the novel coronavirus crisis, the central bank's chairman Jerome Powell said Friday, while insisting that the US economy remains in a good position. story
Is Israel On Track To The Fourth Election?
A nation frustrated with political gridlock and bored of the same tired messages it has heard during three election campaigns in just over a year will drag itself to the polls yet again on Monday. story
Archbishop Jan Lenga: Pope Francis is 'Usurper and Heretic,' 'Leading the World Astray'
Catholic Archbishop Jan Lenga, the former head of the Diocese of Karaganda, Khazakhstan and now retired in Poland, was ordered to stop delivering sermons and speaking with the media because of his frequent statements that Pope Francis is a "heretic" spreading "untruths and sins" and "leading the world astray." story
February 28, 2020
Thanks to Trump: Pascal Lamb could be Sacrificed on Temple Mount for first Time in 2,000 Years
As per Trump’s Deal of the Century, the Sanhedrin petitioned the Israeli government, filing to receive permits that would allow priests to perform the ritual of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice temporary altar that will be transported to the temple mount and removed immediately after the ceremony. story
$425M In World Bank Catastrophe Bonds Set To Default If Coronavirus Declared A Pandemic By June
In 2017, the World Bank designed a new way to raise money: Pandemic Emergency Financing bonds. Over $425 million worth of such bonds, which bet against a global outbreak of infectious diseases and will default if WHO declares the coronavirus a pandemic, were sold by the World Bank in its first-ever issuance of catastrophe bonds. story
February 27 2020
Floods, Coronavirus, Locusts, and Earthquakes: Pre-Purim Wave of Natural Catastrophes Hits Iran
While western Iran is coping with floods that have impacted over two million people, southern Iran is bracing for an infestation of locusts. The swarms are rampaging across Africa, taking on Biblical proportions that have not been seen in several decades. story
Iran Vice President Is One of 7 Officials to Contract Coronavirus; Kills Iran Ambassador To Vatican
Nothing says 'we've got this under control' like confirming that a handful of your government's most-senior officials have caught the virus at the root of a deadly pandemic sweeping the globe. story
Coronavirus: WHO Warns Virus Could Spread To Every Country, Mexico Confirms First Cases
The World Health Organization has reaffirmed its warning that the fast-spreading coronavirus could soon reach most, “if not all” countries around the world. story
Ex-Fed Gov Warsh Sees Coordinated Global Central Bank Action Soon In Response To COVID-19
Warsh, occasionally rumored to be a candidate for Fed chairman after Jerome Powell’s term expires, spoke Friday morning to CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” He recommended the Fed act as quickly as Sunday to assuage financial markets that have been in an aggressive swoon all week as the virus has spread. story
Israeli Scientists: 'In A Few Weeks, We Will Have Coronavirus Vaccine'
Once the vaccine is developed, it will take at least 90 days to complete the regulatory process and potentially more to enter the marketplace. story
February 26, 2020
Red Gold: China's Stealth Plan To Use Precious Metals For World Domination
During and after World War II, every major developed country amassed as much physical gold as they could. It stabilized currencies and signaled independence. But with the end of the gold standard in 1971, most countries began to sell off their reserves. story
February 25, 2020
China’s Economy Continues To Collapse As Domestic Car Sales Plunge A Whopping 92% On Spread Of Wuhan Coronavirus
According to the Nikkei, over 85% of small businesses - which employ 80% of China's population - expect to run out of cash within three months, and a third expect the cash to be all gone within a month. story
Researchers Find 61.5% Of Coronavirus Patients With Severe Pneumonia Won't Survive
Since the Wuhan coronavirus first appeared late last year, researchers have been studying it, though for the first month or so, only Chinese scientists had access to the data. But now that China has shared its data with the world, research has been appearing more quickly, with more opportunities for peer review. story
Recovered Coronavirus Patients Who Have Traces Of Covid-19 In Their Bodies Could Infect Others, Doctor Warns
Zhao Jianping, the head of a team tackling COVID-19 in Hubei province—the epicenter of the outbreak—said some patients who recovered from the infection had tests looking for organisms, such as a virus or bacteria, in the body. story
Report Claims Two-Thirds Of Global Coronavirus Cases Have Gone Undetected
The analysis suggests the global spread of the novel coronavirus is significantly greater than the current volume of confirmed cases. story
Globalists Look To Exploit Coronavirus In Push For Global Government
Once you understand the globalist mindset, almost everything they do becomes rather robotic and predictable. It should not be surprising that the World Health Organization (WHO), a branch of the United Nations, has been so aggressive in cheerleading for the Chinese government and its response to the coronavirus outbreak. story
Iranian Deputy Health Minister Infected With Coronavirus Seen Looking Feverish During Official Press Conference
Earlier on Tuesday, we reported that the 'official' number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Iran had climbed to 14, and that one of the newly diagnosed patients was an Iranian Deputy Health Minister named Iraj Harirchi, who announced in a video on Tuesday that he would "certainly defeat corona". story
South Korean Crisis-Response Coordinator Commits Suicide As Cases Near 1,000, Deaths Hit 11
As South Korea confirms another 144 cases during the day on Tuesday to bring the country-wide total to 977, the small East Asian nation has become home to the largest outbreak outside China. story
AI System Discovers Powerful New Antibiotic To Tackle Superbug
Bacteria are evolving resistance to antibiotics much faster than new drugs can be developed, potentially leading us to a dangerous future where infections are more likely to be deadly. story
Deadly Wave of Earthquakes Hits Enemies of Israel: Iran and Turkey
Both Turkey and Iran are considered probable participants in the pre-Messiah War of Gog and Magog. It should also be noted that according to Jewish tradition, God will also enter the fray, using the forces of nature as his armies. story
Netanyahu Heads to Abraham’s Tomb to Ask God for Israel’s Salvation
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the Cave of the Patriarchs on Sunday with his wife, Sara, and several of his ministers. They took the opportunity to recite Psalms and to pray for the sake of the State of Israel. story
Jordanian MP: ‘I Dare any Lawyer, Engineer or Doctor to say Hello to a Jew!’
A Jordanian MP said during a television interview last week that “all Arab peoples completely reject” U.S. President Donald Trump’s Mideast peace plan, and called for the region’s people to pressure their governments to stop all forms of normalization with Israel. story
Erdogan Gives “Final Warning” Before Launching Gog-Magog War Against “Edom” Russia
After failed talks with Russian officials over the intensifying military conflict in Syria, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyib Erdogan issued his “final warnings” to Moscow. story
UN Calls For 'Two State' Solution To Be Respected In Middle East
The Security Council stressed the need to 'exert collective efforts to launch credible negotiations on all final status issues' the call was supported by 14 other members including the United States story
February 24, 2020
China Faces Financial Armageddon
According to the Nikkei, over 85% of small businesses - which employ 80% of China's population - expect to run out of cash within three months, and a third expect the cash to be all gone within a month. story
‘The City Has Been Annihilated’
South Korea’s coronavirus epicenter is a virtual ghost town as the country’s cases rise 25-fold in five days. story
"Tsunami-Like" Coronavirus Floods South Korea With New Cases; Europe Begins To Isolate Italy
South Korea raised its national threat level to “red alert” for the first time since the H1N1 swine flu outbreak in 2009. The total number of confirmed cases in the country reached 763, a jump of 161 overnight, and a 25-fold increase in the past week. The Italian government said it has 152 confirmed cases, up from three in a matter of days. story
Coronavirus: Store Shelves Empty As Panic Buying Hits Italy
People in several regions of Italy have reacted to coronavirus spreading throughout the country by panic buying, leaving some store shelves empty.
Iran Denies Cover-Up After Lawmaker Contradicts Official Coronavirus Figures, Says 50 Dead
A member of Iran’s parliament announced on Monday that 50 people had died from the new coronavirus in the city of Qom and accused Iran’s Health Ministry of covering up the true extent of the outbreak in the country. story
Dow Drops 900 Points As Coronavirus Cases Outside Of China Surge
Stocks fell sharply on Monday as the number of coronavirus cases outside China surged, stoking fears of a prolonged global economic slowdown from the virus spreading. story
Netanyahu Threatens War As Sirens Continue To Wail In Southern Israel
“I am not hurrying into war. I know the price that our soldiers and the families of the fallen pay,” Netanyahu, whose brother Yoni was killed in action, said. Still, the prime minister said that if there is no choice: “Woe to Hamas and Islamic Jihad when that day comes! It’s their choice.” story
U.S. Treasury yields tumble, curve inversion deepens as coronavirus spreads
U.S. 10-year government borrowing costs fell on Monday to their lowest levels since 2016 as more coronavirus cases were reported internationally, raising fears the outbreak could do far more economic damage than earlier predicted. story
February 23, 2020
The Coronavirus May Be ‘Disease X’ Health Experts Warned About
The World Health Organization cautioned years ago that a mysterious “disease X” could spark an international contagion. The new coronavirus, with its ability to quickly morph from mild to deadly, is emerging as a contender. story
Health Officials Worry As Untraceable Virus Clusters Emerge
In South Korea, Singapore and Iran, clusters of infections are leading to a jump in cases of the new viral illness outside China. But it’s not the numbers that are worrying experts: It’s that increasingly they can’t trace where the clusters started. story
Millions of Chinese Firms Face Collapse If Banks Don’t Act Fast
Brigita, a director at one of China’s largest car dealers, is running out of options. Her firm’s 100 outlets have been closed for about a month because of the coronavirus, cash reserves are dwindling and banks are reluctant to extend deadlines on billions of yuan in debt coming due over the next few months. story
Doomsday Cult With 'Immortal' Leader At Heart Of Coronavirus Superspreader Outbreak
The Wuhan coronavirus designated as COVID-19 is spreading at an alarming speed across South Korea, with a bizarre doomsday cult supposedly at the centre of the outbreak. story
Big Jump In Virus Cases In Italy’s North Despite Lockdowns
Italy’s number of cases of the new corona virus leaped upward, with dozens of new confirmed cases reported in Lombardy, the northern region which includes the country’s financial capital, Milan. story
Internet SHUTDOWN begins in Wuhan, China To Stop The Spread Of Truth And Hide The Severity Of The Outbreak From The World
During an interview Friday, former U.S. Army infantry officer, combat vet, and current U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton reiterated his view that the Chinese government is not being transparent about the severity of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. story
Costa Mesa files court document to block federal relocation of 35-50 INFECTED coronavirus patients to ill-prepared facility near millions of Californians. story
These 3 Giants are all sounding the alarm on the Coronavirus impact
We are seeing more bad news coming out in regards to the toll that the coronavirus is taking on the world’s economy. And three of the world’s titan companies are all in harmony with sounding the alarm. story
Wuhan Woman Exhibiting No Symptoms Infects Five Relatives With Coronavirus
A 20-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, traveled 400 miles(675 km) north to Anyang where she infected five relatives, without ever showing signs of infection, Chinese scientists reported on Friday, offering new evidence that the virus can be spread asymptomatically. story
The Virus Is Interrupting Supply Chains From Watches to Lobsters
The coronavirus outbreak that has hobbled China’s economy is increasingly ricocheting through the world economy and supply chains. story
First ever Iranian display of future nuclear-capable Sejjil missile
The 59-foot tall rocket was shown in its underground bunker along with trials. Tehran has hitherto kept this rocket and its attributes closely secret. story
Judge Says Christian Prof's Beliefs 'Not Protected Under the First Amendment'
A Christian professor has lost his lawsuit against an Ohio university after he was reprimanded for refusing to address a biological male student who identifies as female with the proper pronouns. story
February 22, 2020
‘Worst Fears Realized’ As Locusts Seen Hatching In Africa With New Wave Set To Hit
Billions of locusts have already laid waste to several countries in east Africa and now a fresh invasion could be imminent after the insects were seen hatching in Kenya. story
Apocalyptic Locust Swarm Stops Traffic In Bahrain As Sky Turns Black In Terrifying Footage
The clip, filmed by stunned witnesses cowering in their car, a dark cloud of flying insects swarms above a road in the normally-sunny Middle Eastern island nation. story
Moscow Deploys Facial Recognition Technology For Coronavirus Quarantine
The clamp down on quarantine rules comes after a woman in St. Petersburg staged an elaborate escape from a hospital where she said she was being kept against her will. story
Virus spreads in South Korean city as thousands are screened
South Korea on Saturday reported an eight-fold jump in viral infections in four days to 433, most of them linked to a church and a hospital in and around the country's fourth-largest city, where health workers scrambled to screen thousands of worshippers. story
Italy Puts 10 Towns On Lockdown After People Die Of Coronavirus
There are at least 32 cases in Codogno, Lombardy, and seven in Veneto, report AFP, quoting Sky Italia television. Many of the new cases represented the first infections in Italy acquired through secondary contagion. story
More Than 500 New Coronavirus Cases Are Detected In PRISONS Across China, Fueling Fears About The Virus's Ability To Spread
In response to the crisis, nine Communist officials and two prison chiefs from three provinces were sacked. Beijing has now sent out a special team to investigate the situation, which has seen guards stuck down by SARS-CoV-2 as well as inmates. story
Hundreds Of Animals Mysteriously Drop Dead In China Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
Chinese authorities have admitted they have discovered mass animal deaths in the epicentre of the outbreak Hubei province. story
MIT Scientists Create Doomsday Computer Program
MIT scientists create doomsday computer program to decide what to do if an asteroid is unexpectedly discovered on a crash course for Earth. story
Iran Elections: Hardliners Set To Sweep Parliamentary Polls
Thousands of moderate would-be candidates were barred from running for not meeting strict election criteria. story
Saudi Textbooks Call Jews 'Monkeys,' Espouse Israeli Expansionist Plot
Study finds that despite recent hints of imminent breakthrough in Jerusalem-Riyadh ties, the kingdom's educational material still teaches that Zionists are enemies of Islam, refuses to use Israel's name, with some even saying it is religious duty to kill Jewish people. story
February 21, 2020
"It Looks Like A Zombie Apocalypse": City Streets Deserted Amid Surge In Korean COVID-19 Cases
Seemingly overnight, the public attitude toward the coronavirus outbreak in South Korea has gone from simmering apprehension to full-blown paranoia. And nowhere is that more apparent than in Daegu, the country's fourth-largest city, with a population of 2.5 million people - roughly one-tenth of the South's total population. story
China invokes HOLOCAUST HORRORS as 40 mobile incineration ovens are deployed in Wuhan, labeled for disposal of “animal corpses”
The deployment of incineration ovens, combined with the grotesque violations of basic human rights now being routinely committed by China in response to the pandemic, has invoked memories of the horrors related to the Holocaust of World War II. story
South Korean Coronavirus Cases Explode After "Super Spreader" Event
One day after South Korea reported its first coronavirus death and shortly after all of Daegu city's 2.5 million residents were put on lock-down, the number of covid-19 cases in South Korea has exploded, with 52 new cases reported overnight, representing a third of all the nation's cases. story
Coronavirus Infections, Deaths And “Community Outbreaks” EXPLODE outside China; CDC Warns Travelers About “Community Spread” In Six Nations
The CDC has now named six non-China countries as areas where “community spread” is taking place, which the CDC says means, “people have been infected with the virus, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected.” (In other words, all the health authorities are totally clueless.) story
Florida Conceals Number Of People Tested For Coronavirus, Then Stupidly Lies About The Reason Why
According to the Tampa Bay Times, “state health officials say they can’t disclose how many people have been tested for the virus… state Surgeon General Scott Rivkees said the Florida Department of Health is not authorized to publish the number of people in the state being tested for the virus out of privacy concerns.” But that’s a lie. story
Compared To SARS, This New Coronavirus “Is Up To 20 Times More Likely To Bind To Human Cell Receptors”
The more scientists study this new coronavirus, the more alarming it becomes. When this outbreak first emerged, officials told us that it was very unlikely that it could be transmitted from human to human. When that was shown to be obviously wrong… story
In Australia this is going to be the worst harvest ever recorded. story
Vietnam Reports Supply Chain Issues From Virus, Says May Hit Samsung Output
Vietnam’s manufacturing sector is suffering supply chain problems caused by the coronavirus epidemic, which may delay production of Samsung Electronics’ new phones, the Ministry of Industry and Trade told Reuters on Friday. story
February 20, 2020
Hamas Official Calls For 'Intifada' Against Israel
Khalil al-Hayya, a member of the Hamas political bureau and one of the organization’s senior leaders in the Gaza Strip, is calling for a national action plan to combat the so-called “Deal of the Century”. story
The Anti-Zionist Hypocrisy Of The World Council Of Churches
What is the WCC and why does it view Trump's Peace plan as the equivalent of an act of war against the Palestinians? story
Syria War: Turkish Operation In Idlib ‘Only A Matter Of Time’
Turkey's president has said it is "only a matter of time" before it launches an operation to stop a Syrian army assault on opposition-held Idlib province. story
Locusts Swarm Into Crisis-Hit South Sudan As Plague Spreads Across East Africa
Invasion is further food shortages in country struggling with drought and legacy of civil war. story
What Allowed Locusts to Multiply by the Millions?
Plague spreads far beyond Africa across Middle East to China. story