The proverbial principle "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" is well known throughout the world. It has different meanings in different cultures but in the Western hemisphere, it is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by turning a blind eye.
This describes the overall culture of the U.S. over the past few decades: see, hear and speak no evil.
- We covered our eyes and pretended that we didn’t see the atrocities of our social agenda in regards to abortion.
- We refused to listen to anyone that tried to point out the removal of prayer from the public square.
- We insisted in that we would turn people away from God if we insisted on speaking out concerning the errors of our ways in regards to the Bible.
And now we—the inhabitants of the greatest nation on earth (greatest by world standards) are reaping the consequences of our choices.
- We can no longer pretend to not know that the wealthiest nation on earth has spent and borrowed its way out of freedom and into bondage to the tune of $19 trillion...and rising.
- We are now being confronted with the videos of the destruction of human life taking place behind the closed doors of the abortion mills.
- We have taken our rebellion against God and His standards to a new level and legalized a system of marriage that mocks His very name.
The consequences of our actions have direct implication to our future as God has stressed many times that we “reap what we sow”—and the harvest is coming soon!
It is in time like these that the “doom and gloom” prophets come out of the proverbial woodwork with their declarations of judgment. I always want to ask them, “Where were you when things were looking good? Why were you not speaking out then?”
I don’t have my use for “fair weather” prognosticators as anyone can proclaim “judgment” in the midst of times of distress; what I want to know is “Do you have a solution?”
My friends, when God shakes a people or a nation, His purpose is not for destruction; God’s purpose is to restore and heal the people. He clearly says, “…call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me.” [Psalms 50:15]
This is the time to see, to hear and to cry out to Jesus Christ. The days ahead may be dark, but in Him there is light and shelter from the storm!