J. Wellington Wimpy, generally referred to as Wimpy, is one of the characters in the comic strip Popeye. Hamburgers are Wimpy's all-time favorite food, and he is usually seen carrying or eating one or more at a time. He became the famous for the catch phrase, "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today".
Though this saying became popular by the cartoon character in 1932, it could be used for the way the U.S. Government works today. Borrow from today with the promise to pay tomorrow.
What’s more disturbing is not the fact that we have bankrupted the nation, but that the government no longer has a strategic grain reserve.
The U.S. strategic grain reserve was initially created during the days of the Great Depression. It used to be said that the U.S. government had enough wheat stored up to provide everyone in America with half a loaf of bread; but that is not true anymore. The USDA liquidated the remaining reserves back in 2008.
So what would happen if a major food crisis hit this country? The federal government would go out and try to buy food or more likely would seize food to feed the population during a major emergency, but that wouldn’t actually increase the total amount of food that was available.
Obviously, if there are no major national emergencies of any kind and life just continues on normally for decades to come, this will not be an issue. But what if something does happen?
A recent article noted that we are witnessing all sorts of “mini food cataclysms”.
- Beekeepers across the United States lost roughly 40 percent of their colonies, known as Colony Collapse Disorder, from April 2014 to April 2015.
- The primary type of banana exported around world is in danger of being wiped off the face of the globe by the fungal disease Tropical Race 4.
- Recent bird flu epidemic is responsible for the deaths of 48 million turkeys and chickens. This has driven up egg prices with estimates reaching over $6 a dozen.
- Forty percent of our fresh produce comes from the state of California which record droughts are impacting.
- That same drought is reducing the herds of cattle across the nation.
- A virus is devastating the hog farmers in the U.S. causing a spike in prices
This list doesn’t even address many other areas in the U.S. and around the world that the lack of food is having a destructive impact.
Revelations 6:6 says, “A quart of wheat will cost a day's pay and three quarts of barley will cost a day's pay…”
We have not reached that moment yet, but these are signs of the precursor of what is to come. Proverbs 22:3 says, “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”
So what should we learn from any of this? These events are a simple reminder of this truth: Jesus Christ is coming again! The question is, “Are you ready for the events leading to His return? Are you ready for when He does return?