For years, I have written about subtle changed being made globally in regard to the push of nations to go to a digital currency. I’ve taught how this is all a part future bible prophecy to be fulfilled. (Revelation 13:16-17). Many people and even friends have scoffed at the idea; after all, most Americans consider the US Dollar to be infallible (albeit foolishly).
During the late-night hours in Washington, DC, the US Congress was supposed to hammering out the details to the third phase of the Coronavirus Relief Act. It looked like it was going to be announced Monday afternoon, only to learn the Nancy Pelosi and the House democratic leadership decided to fill the measure with tons of pork. After all, it was Rahm Emanuel, the former adviser to former President Obama that said, “Never let a crisis go to waste”. With that in mind, it was back to the drawing boards; except this time there was a huge list of which most had nothing to do with the needs in battling Covid-19 virus.
Buried in the details were millions of dollars to study climate change mitigation efforts; requirements to raise the minimum wage of any business (regardless of size) that receives federal aid due to the impact of the coronavirus and open up funding for sanctuary cities. This was just the tip of the iceberg to use this disaster to no rescue but reshape forever the future of this nation.
One of the details that was in the original request by House democrats was a very forward-looking kind of stimulus: the creation of a ‘digital dollar’ and the establishment of ‘digital dollar wallets.’ Both Speaker Pelosi’s ‘Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act’ and the ‘Financial Protections and Assistance for America’s Consumers, States, Businesses, and Vulnerable Populations Act (H.R. 6321),’ introduced by Chairwoman Maxine Waters of Financial Services Committee, introduced these concepts today as a way of delivering the economic stimulus payments to U.S. citizens.
It also would have required that each person have a “digital wallet” in which the money would be deposited. And guess who the caretaker of the said “digital wallet” would be? The Federal Reserve Bank –which is like the fox guarding the hen house.
For those that do not know, the Federal Reserve Bank is neither a government entity nor answers to the US Congress. It’s a private bank that the US surrendered its monetary rights to December 23, 1913. This, even though Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution gives Congress alone the express power: “To coin money [and] to regulate the value thereof.”
The provisions of the relief bill that Nancy Pelosi submitted went on to state that, “In the long term, the card infrastructure should be converted into a permanent, Treasury-administered digital public currency wallet system, to serve as a privacy-respecting ‘eCash’ complement to universal Fed Accounts and/or Postal Bank Accounts for All”.
While the latest update to the bill, has all but stripped this part out, it no less revealed the agenda of Left/Global Elite as they tried to sneak this Trojan Horse into the 1400 plus pages of the relief package. It also signaled there are those in the US Congress who are serious in establishing an infrastructure for a central bank digital currency.
This current world pandemic is being used by those of power to help put into place the structure needed for the fulfillment of bible prophecy. Namely a world government, a world currency and eventually—a world political dictator. The Bible calls this man the anti-Christ.
For those that read and understand biblical prophecy foretold by the prophets in scripture, this is simply another sign: “…when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” Luke 21:28